Glory Carriers On-Demand Webinar

You Were Created to Be a Carrier of God's Glory!


You can increase God's glory on your life as never before. Sign up for the Gory Carriers Extended Course & go on an amazing journey in God's glory with me. SIGN UP TODAY TO RECEIVE A SPECIAL LIMITED TIME 50% DISCOUNT.


I pray you enjoy this free on-demand webinar and that it empowers you to go higher in God's tangible glory. 

Exclusive Offer for Webinar Attendees

Save 50% onĀ the extended GLORY CARRIERS Course and get FREE bonuses: Including Personal Interaction with Matt, Study Notes, A Certificate of Achievement and more as my free gift to you.

I have put together a 6 video & 6 audio Course just for YOU. In it I teach you from my 22 years of experience: how to radiate the glory of God, how to see God tangibly fill entire rooms, how to shift atmospheres and spiritually clean out a space and territory, how to overflow healing and miracles from the glory, how to change the atmosphere of your home, how to develop an awareness of God 24/7, how to attract God's glory to you, and so much more!


"This has revolutionized my relationship with the Holy Spirit. I could feel the tangible glory of God all over me during this course! Thank you so much! "

Glory Carriers E-Course

"This course has given me such powerful insights to cultivate God's glory in my life! More Holy Spirit! More glory! "

Glory Carriers E-Course

"I am enjoying this course immensely. I have learned so much about God's glory! I never knew I could have this kind of relationship with God!"

Glory Carriers E-Course

Thank you for watching the webinar, Glory Carriers. I have so much more I want to share with you about the journey and process of carrying God's glory.

Interested in a More Extensive Mentoring Experience? Click Here to learn more about our Monthly Mentoring Program that includes a monthly VIP video, an online interactive community and personal interaction with Matt along with over $2,000 worth of BONUS MATERIALS!



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