About Us

Get to Know Matt Sorger 

Matt Sorger is a prophetic minister who carries a unique anointing that fills entire rooms with the tangible glory of God, with many saved, healed, set free and filled with God’s presence. Matt is a strong preacher and teacher of God’s word, mentoring and equipping the body of Christ to live in the realm of God’s power and glory. He has impacted the globe ministering in over 35 nations and has reached over 200 nations by television and media. Matt and his wife Stephanie oversee Rescue1, rescuing children from trafficking around the world. Their vision is to see at least 1,500 children set free.

Ministry History

Matt was touched by the power of God at the age of fourteen. After witnessing the supernatural healing of his mother, he came into his own personal encounter with the Lord and was radically saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. From an early age Matt had a deep hunger for God causing him to spend hours a day in prayer. Out of this place of intimacy the presence and power of God was released in Matt's life in tangible ways.

While pursuing a degree in medicine, Matt was called by God into full time ministry. Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, Matt received a degree in Biblical Studies, graduated with highest honors and served as President of his class in Bible school for four years. Matt then served in pastoral ministry, during which time he ministered closely with Lou Engle of The Call, seeing over 85,000 believers gather together from across the nation and the world for a united day of prayer and fasting in New York City. While serving with The Call, Matt hosted several regional gatherings where the power of God was poured out in extraordinary ways. After receiving a powerful visitation from God, Matt was launched out into an international prophetic, healing ministry where He has seen thousands saved, healed and delivered by the glorious power of the Holy Spirit.

Matt is an ordained minister and has been commissioned under the apostolic covering of HIM and Apostle Che Ahn. Matt is actively involved in mercy ministry to the poor and children at risk. With the help of his ministry partners and child sponsors, Matt along with his wife Stephanie founded Rescue1, a full care organization that rescues children and women from sex-trafficking and life on the street. Rescue1 provides shelter, food, clothing, education and medical care to those rescued. MSM has also drilled six water wells in Africa bringing clean drinking water to over 20,000 people.

Matt has conducted miracle crusades across India seeing thousands saved, healed and set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has hosted pastors conferences and has trained and equipped over 4,000 Indian pastors. Matt’s missions work also includes providing food, mattresses, blankets and other items for children in Africa and ministry tools including bicycles, motorbikes, and a car for pastors in India to evangelize and reach the unreached with the gospel. Matt has also helped rebuild homes in China for earthquake victims and has equipped church leaders in China.

For over ten years Matt hosted conferences in New York and around the United States with some of today’s leading Christian voices. He has appeared on national and international television and radio programs including It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth, Celebration with Marcus and Joni Lamb, Praise the Lord with TBN, Everlasting Lovewith Patricia King, and God Knows with Cindy Jacobs. Matt has also hosted his own television program for over seven years, Power for Life and has interviewed leading Christian voices including Heidi Baker, Randy Clark, John Paul Jackson, John Kilpatrick, John Bevere, Chuck Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Patricia King, and others.

Matt's first priority and passion has been to develop an intimate relationship with God. He is a man of prayer and a vessel through which the presence and glory of God is released. Matt ministers the Word in a powerful, dynamic and energetic way. His sensitivity to the Holy Spirit brings a fresh anointing as lives are transformed by the touch of God.

Get to Know Stephanie Sorger

Stephanie Sorger is a writer, philanthropist, and speaker who has always felt a deep desire to devote her life to serving God and helping people. As Matt’s full time travel partner, she speaks, prophecies, and ministers with Matt and desires to see people come into the full understanding of their identity as sons and daughters of God. Her passion for missions work and the poor led her to work with Heidi and Rolland Baker’s ministry, Iris Ministries, in Mozambique, Africa. With two degrees in English and Creative Writing, Stephanie enjoys ministering to people through her creative form of writing.  


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