Guarding the Gates of Your Life
When it comes to spiritual freedom and walking in complete deliverance from evil, it is so important that we guard the gates of our lives. Gates are the doorways through which light or darkness enters our hearts, minds, souls & bodies. The enemy can only build a stronghold where there is darkness. If we are careful not to allow darkness into our gates, the battle is nearly completely won! A lot of the spiritual warfare people deal with is caused by not properly guarding their gates. Let me be specific. The gates are your eyes, ears and mouth. It is through these portals that either light or darkness enters, based on what we look at with our eyes, listen to with our ears, or speak about with our mouths. Regarding the eye gate, Mt 6:22-23 says, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light....
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